Job Created & Updated
The following data is sent when a Job is created or updated in Latchel. (See Payload Format, above)
Request Body schema: application/json
Unique ID for Job
Unique 5 digit string used to identify Job
Source of the Job, such as Tenant Web Form, Appfolio Plugin, Internal Web Form, Tenant Call, or API Request
string <date-time>
string <date-time>
ID of current Job State
State object (schemas)
string <date-time>
Date and time of the last state change
Date and time the work is scheduled to start. This, combined with scheduled_end, creates the arrival window for the Vendor.
Date and time the work is scheduled to end. This, combined with scheduled_start, creates the arrival window for the Vendor.
1 or 0 representing if the Job is Urgent severity
1 or 0 representing if the Job is Emergency severity
Rating (by Tenant) of the service received
Date and time the Tenant left a Job rating
Comments added by Tenant with Job rating
Mutable identifier for the Job
Human readable name (title)
Long description of the problem to be solved
Description of problem and work to performed, specifically for the Vendor
Vendor rating given by the tenant for this job
Instructions for entering the Property if the Tenant is not present. Access instructions are required to set enter_permission = 1 (see enter_permission for more information).
Cost Vendor not to exceed for the Job
Estimate amount provided by the vendor
Note provided by the vendor explaining the estimate amount
1 or 0 representing if the Vendor has permission to enter the Property if the Tenant is not present. To set enter_permission = 1, access instructions must be included with the request, OR default_access_instructions must be set for the Job’s property (an [INHERITABLE] field).
1 or 0 representing if the Property is vacant
1 or 0 representing if the Job is mandatory (i.e., the Tenant cannot cancel the Job)
1 or 0 representing if the issue needing repairs was caused by the Tenant
1 or 0 representing if the Tenant is responsible for payment of the Job’s Invoice
1 or 0 representing if the Job is archived. While archived, the Job will not show up in search results in the UI
The party currently managing the Job (“latchel” or “pm”)
1 or 0 representing if the Vendor currently assigned to the Job can be changed
ID referencing Tenant the Job is for
ID referencing the PropertyManager in charge of Job (defaults to primary User in Property Manager Company)
Reference ID for the Job; use this field to reference the ID of a Job within a 3rd party system (with which you may be integrating).
Additional reference ID for the Job used by integrations that implement the concept of service requests
String representing Job severity. Enum: “emergency” “urgent” “normal”
ID referencing Issue for Job
ID referencing Vendor assigned to Job
ID referencing the Property the Job is for
Return a 200 status to indicate that the data was received successfully