Portfolio Created & Updated
The following data is sent when a Portfolio is created or updated in Latchel. (See Payload Format, above)
Request Body schema: application/json
Unique ID for Portfolio
Unique ID for Portfolio Owner
ID of Manager User in organization responsible for the Property. This will automatically be set to the primary user of the organization if left null.
Name of Portfolio
string <date-time>
string <date-time>
Unique ID for property manager company of portfolio
List of names and contact methods for people to contact for maintenance escalation. [INHERITABLE]
List of email addresses to contact in event of failed escalation (unable to reach a member of escalation_contact_list). [INHERITABLE]
Pre-dispatch instructions [INHERITABLE]
Soft maximum cost for emergency Jobs. [INHERITABLE]
Hard maximum cost for emergency Jobs. [INHERITABLE]
ID of Payment Method to be used to pay LCN service providers for Jobs at this Property. [INHERITABLE]
Soft maximum cost for non-emergency Jobs. [INHERITABLE]
Hard maximum cost for non-emergency Jobs. [INHERITABLE]
Description of how to gain access to the Property if the Tenant is not present. [INHERITABLE]
1 or 0 representing if the Property has access instructions (helpful for overriding Company or Portfolio access instructions) [INHERITABLE]
ID of User group to which notifications about this Property should be sent. [INHERITABLE]
1 or 0 representing if the system should use Default Action Set Groups
Inherit Vendor prioritization from Company
1 or 0 representing if the Property should be opted out of using service providers in the LCN network. [INHERITABLE]
ID of Troubleshooting Workflow to use with Property
High temperature (fahrenheit) used to indicate emergency conditions. Temperatures at or above this value indicate emergency conditions for maintenance coordination. [INHERITABLE]
Low temperature (fahrenheit) used to indicate emergency conditions. Temperatures at or below this value indicate emergency conditions for maintenance coordination. [INHERITABLE]
High temperature (fahrenheit) used to indicate emergency conditions if one or more Tenants are disabled. Temperatures at or above this value indicate emergency conditions for maintenance coordination. [INHERITABLE]
Low temperature (fahrenheit) used to indicate emergency conditions if one or more Tenants are disabled. Temperatures at or below this value indicate emergency conditions for maintenance coordination. [INHERITABLE]
URL for tenants to leave reviews
ID of payment method used to pay subscription fees
User Group used for Pre-Dispatch
User Group used for Emergency Escalations
User Group used for Invoice Notifications
Determines which work orders should be synced into Latchel from a third party integration for properties in this portfolio
Return a 200 status to indicate that the data was received successfully