How to Defer a Task (New Experience)
Latchel creates tasks when an action is required to move a job forward. Alternatively, tasks can be created by you and are for you and your team to manage action items.
When you defer a task for a later date or time, it’s like hitting the snooze button on an alarm clock. The alarm or new task due date will sound at a later date and time that you specify. Depending on the unique circumstances of a job, the job task may need to be deferred.
NOTE: You will only see the option to defer a task if that task is overdue.
With the New Work Order Experience, if an open task requires attention, a floating Open Task box will appear in the top right corner of the page. You may click the View Details option to check the details of the open task, then it will take you directly to the Activity tab giving you the details of the open task that needs your immediate attention.
Click Edit Task in the open task you wish to take action on.
On the Edit Task, an admin user, or a property manager will have the option to adjust the due date of the task by clicking on the calendar and choosing the new due date of follow-up.
We advise adding a deferral reason to the notes section. When the task is expanded, any task deferral notes will be underneath the original task note. Task deferral reason is an important part of taking effective notes for the team.
Once the comment is accomplished, click on Save.
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