A Service Provider's Guide in Updating a Work Order
Once the work order is assigned, you can provide multiple updates on it. This guide will provide information on these work order updates.
From the Service Provider dashboard, click on the Work Order Number from the Other Work Order Status.
The next page will show work order details such as Order number, work order description, etc. Take a closer look of the Work Order Details page and each of its section below.
Then if you want to update the work order, click on Provide Work Order Update at the top right corner of the page.
The page will be routed to options available to update the job which varies from different categories. Let’s talk about them one by one.
Set a New Work Appointment
As a service provider, you may set a new schedule based on the resident’s availability. You may check this help guide for the step-by-step flow: How to Accept and Schedule Work Orders (Service Providers)
Add Estimate
If the job requires an additional budget to resolve the issue, you may send an estimate for Property Managers/Owners’ approval. You may check this help guide for the step-by-step flow: Submitting an Estimate or Bid on a Work Order (Service Provider)
Mark Job as Complete
Once the job is complete and to initiate an invoice for payment, click on Mark Job as Complete. By clicking it, you will have the following options:
Yes, it’s done. - if there is no additional work to do, and that job has been completed.
There’s more to Do - choose this option if the job is not yet finished and you need to make a follow-up visit to complete the job.
For this example, let’s click Yes, it’s done.
The next question will ask you if you have encountered damage that was caused by the Resident. Please make sure to appropriately answer if the damage was caused by the resident or not. Answering this question will allow the Property Manager or the Owner to properly bill the resident if necessary.
Follow-Up Work Required
Next, click Yes or No, if a follow-up work is recommended or not. If you click No, the work order will proceed to Confirming Completion status.
On the other hand, choosing Yes will take you to the next page asking if you the following:
Can you do the follow-up work?
The project budget
When can you do the job?
Click Yes if you believe a follow-up is required, and No if otherwise.
Clicking Yes will take you to the next page asking you if you can do the follow-up work, the option to add the Project Budget, and when you can do the next work.
If you selected Preferred Date, you will be presented with a calendar to choose the date you can do the follow-up work.
Provide a detailed explanation for the recommended or required work to do in the follow-up. Click Submit once done.
Update Job Progress
You may report if you did some work or not at all yet by choosing this option. This option will ask you specific questions on why the work has not been completed.
Budget or Estimate Was Denied
When the property manager/owner denies the budget, you may update the job with this, click Yes on Did the Property Manager or Property Owner deny your estimate or request for a budget increase? and the order will get canceled.
Add Invoice
You can add an invoice for the Property manager or owner reference, and you to get paid accordingly. You may check this help guide for the step-by-step flow: Uploading an Invoice (Service Providers)
Add Image and Files
You can add supporting files like the before-and-after image of the issue for property manager/owner reference. You may check this help guide for the step-by-step flow: Adding Images/Files to a Work Order (Service Providers)
Remove Me From This Work Order
If you cannot work on the job, click this option and select Yes, remove me now. Then you will be removed as the assigned service provider in the work order.
Add Note
If you need to notify either yourself (service provider) or the property manager/owner, and provide work update status, click the Add Note option. Then Save.
I Need Help
If you need more help on the job, you can choose this option. Furthermore, it’s the option to let Latchel Admin or the Property Manager if the job is time-sensitive or needs urgent attention. For this help guide click on Not Time Sensitive. The next page will allow you to place a comment, then click on Send. The Property Manager or Latchel admin will be notified to look into the help needed.
If the help is time sensitive, you will be asked to call the Latchel Team Number which will be presented on the next screen after clicking This is Time Sensitive.
Generate PDF
This action will download the job copy as a PDF for Service Provider reference.