Previously Latchel does not support any ability for Property Managers to restrict any availability window for work order appointments. As a result, residents and service Providers may take an appointment between 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM.

The property manager and admin can now limit the scheduling of non-emergency work orders during the evening hours of 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the property, portfolio, or company level for non-emergency work orders.

How to disable evening availability?

Changes can be done either on property, portfolio, or company level. For this example, let’s take a look at the property level. 

From the main dashboard, click on Places then Property

Search and select the property you wish to change the appointment availability. 

From the Details tab, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the new feature Non-Emergency Scheduling. Click the arrow to go up and show the Disabling Evening Time Slots.

When it is ON it means yes, you are disabling the evening time slots, if OFF, it means not disabling evening time slots for non-emergency work orders. 

Property managers and admins can choose to override the evening limit appointment and will be prompted by a warning message. Choosing “Yes” is to override the evening window and pressing “No” will allow them to change their times to something that is before the evening window.

 Here’s how the availability would like if the evening time slot is disabled when a resident would like to pick availability for an appointment visit.

Notice that evening time slots (4 PM - 8 PM) were grayed out. 

**Note: ** Existing work orders with evening availability already on will not be affected by this change.  Emergency work orders may continue to choose availability including evening time. Appointment availability is limited to 4:00 PM and the end time of 6:00 PM which applies to vacant properties.