The skill set in this feature dictates the only work order issues that will be assigned to a Latchel Contracted Network (LCN) Service Provider. This becomes useful when none of their preferred service providers are available to take on the jobs. Furthermore, they can modify the skills available for LCN (Latchel Contracted Network) Service Providers to work on. Please follow this help guide to set up your LCN preferences.

On the Latchel portal, click on People, and from the dropdown select Service Providers.

From your Service Providers view, click on LCN Preferences.

From this page, select the category that will be available for LCN Service Provider by clicking the Select an option.

As an example, let’s choose the Appliance category. As a default, all applicable skills are toggled on.

To modify the skills, simply toggle on or off and this will automatically update the skills and category for the LCN service provider.

Note: This update will take effect on all future work orders.