How to Assign a Latchel Contracted Network Service Provider (New Experience)
An LCN (Latchel Contracted Network) Service Provider can be assigned to a work order if all Preferred Service Providers are unavailable, or if they have to reject the job for some reason, and all of them have been exhausted.
In this scenario, a Preferred Service Provider is currently assigned but refuses the job and the next option is to assign an LCN Service Provider.
From the work order page, look at the Service Provider section, and notice that it says “Preferred Service Provider”, which means the Service Provider that is currently assigned is a Preferred Service Provider.
To change the Service Provider, in the Details tab of the work order, click on the three dots or ellipses found in the Service Provider section. Then, select Edit SP.
In the pop-up box, choose the most appropriate option to assign a new service provider. In this example, we will select, Proceed to assigning Service Provider.
In the next box, click on Search for Latchel Service Provider.
The list of LCN Service Providers within 25 miles of the property will appear. To contact any of the LCN Service Providers, you can initiate a call by clicking the Phone icon, or send them an SMS by clicking the Message icon. This is an ideal step to confirm that they can perform the job.
After the successful contact, click on Select to choose the Service Provider.
Note: If none of the LCN Service Providers within 25 miles of the property is available, you can also expand the list of LCN Service Providers under 50 miles.
A new pop-up box will appear and make sure to choose the Service Provider contact information accurately. Additionally, leaving a note summary is ideal as to why the Service Provider is changed for references. Finally, click on Add to Work Order.
And that’s it! You have successfully assigned an LCN Service Provider to a work order. Should you need to contact Latchel for any work order or other concerns, please check How to Contact Latchel for more information.