Missing Properties & Residents in Latchel

Give the Latchel user the permissions to the property. Do this by first going to the user’s management screen located in the setup menu on the Admin tab.

Select the Latchel Integration User.

Check that this Latchel user has access to the location(s) we intend to service.

Check that this Latchel user has access to All Properties.

Alternatively, if you only want us to receive certain properties, select the properties we are intended to service. You will not want to click All Properties if that is the case.

Check that the property in Rent Manager is set to Active.


**Missing Work Orders In Latchel **

Make sure you assign the [Latchel] Maintenance Category to the Rent Manager Service Issue you wish to send to Latchel.

Check that there is a property or unit assigned to the Service Issue in Rent Manager.

If the Service Issue in Rent Manager is assigned to a building with multiple units, it is required to assign the unit versus the property in order for it to sync to Latchel successfully.

If you are still experiencing issues, please reach out to success@latchel.com for further assistance.