There are 4 temperature settings:

Standard Settings (Healthy Individuals)

  1. Low Temperature
    • This is the lowest temperature before you consider heating issues an emergency (Latchel Default: 45°F)
  2. High Temperature
    • The highest temperature before you consider air conditioning issues an emergency (Latchel Default: 95°F)

Infants, Elderly, Disabled Settings

  1. Low Temperature
    • This is the lowest temperature before you consider heating issues an emergency (Latchel Default: 55°F)
  2. High Temperature
    • The highest temperature before you consider air conditioning issues an emergency (Latchel Default: 85°F)

Note: The local temperature shows up on the job page in Latchel. If there is a day in the week that will meet an emergency threshold, we show the thresholds and highlight the day in the red.

Updating Your Temperature Thresholds

Click on your initials or profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard, and select Account Settings.

On the far lefthand side of the portal, expand the modal titled Emergency Temperature Settings. From here, you can modify/add the temperatures.