Configuring Access Instructions (Company Level)

Access Instructions are especially useful when we get permission to enter because it simplifies scheduling and does not require the resident to be on-site for the Service Provider to perform work.

Note: The Default Access Instructions set at the Company Level will automatically apply to all portfolios and properties on the account. To learn more about configuration inheritance and how to override company-level configurations, click here.

Click the **dropdown **menu on the far right-hand side of your portal and click Account Settings.

Under the Details tab, scroll down to the Maint. Communication Settings section. From here, you will see an editable field under Default Access Instructions. Type the instructions for the Service Provider and click Save.

Configuring a Portfolio with Access Instructions

**Note: **The Default Access Instructions set at the Portfolio Level will automatically be applied to all properties within that portfolio. To learn more about configuration inheritance and how a single property can override Portfolio & Company level configurations, click here.

Click the Portfolio tab under Places at the top of your portal.

Next, click on the name of the Portfolio.

Under the Details tab, scroll down to the Maint. Communication Settings section. From here, you will see an editable field under Default Access Instructions after clicking the Override option**.**

Type the instructions for the Service Provider and click Save.

Ensure the **Provide Access instruction **toggle is ON. If this toggle is ON, it should appear Blue and positioned to the right.


Configuring Access Instructions for a Property


Click the Properties tab under Places at the top of your portal.

Search for the property and click on the address.

Under the Details tab, scroll down to the Maint. Communication Settings section. From here, you will see the property inherited the Access Instructions from the Portfolio level. To override this, click override.

Then type the property’s Access Instructions, and click Save.

Ensure the **Provide Access instruction **toggle is ON. If this toggle is ON, it should appear Blue and position to the right.

And there you have it! That’s how easily you can configure the Default Access Instructions!